Saturday, January 15, 2005

Can not download Open Vanilla

Since I've gottan my G4 iBook, I've been experimenting with Chinese text input. Not very satisfied with the default input systmes, I am looking for new ways/better ways to enter Chinese text.

I spent the afternoo searching and reading posts and finally came across Open Vanilla. It seems that this is a good way to go. However, I can not download the darn application from the links ( and Every other link I got from postings all refer to those two sites.

I am not too sure if it's an issue with my side or it's an issue with these two sites. I've asked friends/friends to try and access those sites from their computers, all to no avail. I am running out of options. This is truly frustrating.

1 comment:

Mengjuei Hsieh said...
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